
어느곳에 기생충이살았다 
그기생충은 인생의낙은없었고 자기를 유지시켜줄 숙주를 찾아 그숙주에게 붙었고
그 숙주가 병들고 지치자 딴숙주를 찾아 해맸다
이윽고 새로운 숙주를 찾았다
그숙주는 늘 외로웠고 힘들어했다
자기에게 찾아오는 존재들이 없었고 차라리
찾이와준 기생충이 반가웠고 좋았다
자기가 도움이되는구나..
기생충도 이런반응에 놀랐다 자기를 떼내고싶어하고 욕하며 저주하고 귀찮아하고
그러나 숙주는 그렇지않았다. 기생충에 말걸고. 항상 따스하게 바라보았다.
기생충은 이번만큼은편했다 늘무시하긴했지만 경멸의눈초리를 피하며살다가 .. 저런눈빛이라니
그러던 어느날 숙주의 몸은 한없이 약해져만가고 기생충도 알정도의 몸상태를 느끼게되었으리라 결심을하고 떠나는 기생충을 다시 잡아들이는 숙주였으나 다시 그의눈을피하며 더이상 너한테 얻을게없다며 모진 말을 뱉고 떠났다 숙주의 몸에는 상처만남았다 그또한 시간이지나며 차츰회복될것이라 생각하며 기생충은 살았다
그이후 그그이후도 기생충은 다른숙주를 찾지않고 혼자죽어갔다
Parasites lived somewhere
The parasite had no pleasure in life, and found a host that would maintain it and attached it to the host.
When the host became sick and exhausted, he tried to find another host.
Soon, a new host was found.
The host was always lonely and difficult
There was no presence coming to him
The parasite I came to was glad and good.
You're helping ...
Parasites were also amazed at this reaction, wanting to get rid of themselves, cursing, cursing and annoying.
But the host was not. Talk to the parasite. I always looked warm.
The parasite was as comfortable as this time, but it was always neglected, living away from the disdainful eyes.
Then one day, the host's body became infinitely weak, and the host decided to regain the parasite who felt the condition of the parasite, and he escaped his eyes again.
The host's body met a wound. He also thought that it would gradually recover over time, and the parasite lived.

Since then, the parasite died alone without finding another host.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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